3 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Child-Adolescent Chronic Pathologies in Cantabria (Spain)

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    Objective: The study of child-adolescent chronic pathologies (CACPs) is a relevant aspect for public health and this knowledge is necessary for prevention and control. Our objective was to analyze the prevalence and distribution of the main CACPs in the region of Cantabria (Spain). Methodology: The stratified data were obtained from the whole child and adolescent population treated by the Cantabria Health Service in the year 2019. The prevalence of the most frequent CACPs and their differences based on sex, urban non-urban location and levels of complexity and risk were assessed. The statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS program. Results: 90,163 people aged from birth to 17-year-olds were analyzed (48.7% girls and 51.3% boys). At least one CACP was present in 29.1% of the population studied (26,234). CACPs were less prevalent in girls (25.5%) than in boys (32.6%), (?2, p <0.001; OR: 0.708; IC 95%: 0.688-0.729). The two most common CACPs were: asthma (16.7%) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (6.3%). Multimorbidity occurred in 1,978 girls (4.5%) and in 2,916 boys (6.3%). Those chronic pathologies were less prevalent in urban areas (26.5%) than in non-urban areas (28.0%), (?2, p <0.001; OR: 1.037; 95% CI: 1.023-1.052). CACPs level of complexity was slightly higher in girls and in non-urban locations. The level of risk was similar when sex and location where compared. Conclusion: CACPs were very common in the age group studied. Our data indicate that not only is there a need for a greater number of descriptive studies, but also a greater accuracy on the clinical records of CACPs. These actions would allow the implementation of effective programs for prevention and early detection of CACPs and better treatment and control, once they are diagnosed

    Early diagnosis of frailty: Technological and non-intrusive devices for clinical detection

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    This work analyses different concepts for frailty diagnosis based on affordable standard technology such as smartphones or wearable devices. The goal is to provide ideas that go beyond classical diagnostic tools such as magnetic resonance imaging or tomography, thus changing the paradigm; enabling the detection of frailty without expensive facilities, in an ecological way for both patients and medical staff and even with continuous monitoring. Fried's five-point phenotype model of frailty along with a model based on trials and several classical physical tests were used for device classification. This work provides a starting point for future researchers who will have to try to bridge the gap separating elderly people from technology and medical tests in order to provide feasible, accurate and affordable tools for frailty monitoring for a wide range of users.This work was sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) across projects RTC-2017-6321-1 AEI/FEDER, UE, TEC2016-76021-C2-2-R AEI/FEDER, UE and PID2019-107270RB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, UE

    Plain-packaging : why is it so crucial?

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    RESUMEN: La supervivencia del negocio de los cigarrillos depende críticamente de conseguir que sus clientes fumen regularmente a los 18 años. Para ello deben polarizar sus estrategias promocionales en los menores de edad, algo que la evidencia científica corrobora que hacen sistemáticamente. Por este motivo, la mayoría de los gobiernos europeos han restringido al máximo la publicidad del tabaco. Estas restricciones han hecho que, actualmente, la mejor estrategia de captación comercial de menores resida en el diseño de la cajetilla: conseguir que sea atractiva, símbolo de estatus o de valores,… Para hacer frente a esto la OMS recomienda la introducción del empaquetamiento genérico (plain-packaging), medida que consiste en que las cajetillas de tabaco no lleven ningún tipo de logos o colores característicos, sino sólo el nombre de la marca en el mismo tamaño y forma para todos. Esta medida se implantó originalmente en Australia en 2012. Vistos sus resultados, en 2015 Reino Unido, Irlanda y Francia han aprobado su implementación. La presente revisión pretende ofrecer una visión global y actualizada de qué supone el empaquetamiento genérico, de las bases científicas que lo sustentan y de cuál es su papel en el marco de las medidas de control del tabaco.ABSTRACT: The survival of cigarettes business crucially depends on those who regularly smoke before they are 18 years old. Tobacco companies are therefore obliged to promote their products mainly to those who are underage, a fact unequivocally supported by scientific evidence. For this reason most European governments have strongly restricted tobacco advertising. These restrictions have made that the design of the cigarette pack (its attractiveness, symbolism,…) is nowadays the main promotional tool to engage youngsters into consumption. In order to tackle this trend WHO has recommended the introduction of plainpackaging, an strategy where cigarette packs are deprived of all differential characteristics (logos, colours, drawings,…), being only allowed to show the brand name in the same type and size of letter for all. Plain packaging was originally implemented in Australia in December 2012. After analyzing the results from Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, and France have approved it in 2015. The present study tries to offer a global and up-to-date revision of the importance of plain packaging, its underlying scientific bases, and its role in tobacco control.Grado en Medicin